Days when even though your to do list is a mile long, you still feel like everything is perfectly achievable.
Days when that extra push at the gym is nothing, it's not just a good burn, it's a great one.
Days when you just know that what's in the past is in the past, and what's in the future is something great, waiting just around the corner.
Days when you can't help but smile to yourself, just cause.
Days when you want to stay up forever, because you never want to let go of that feeling of invincibility.
Days when you have patience for everything and everyone.
Days when the radio and iTunes seem to read your mind and every song speaks to your soul.
Days when life just makes sense.
x's & o's,
Currently Listening:
Life's not what you take, it's not about the promises you make. It's not about the friends you might of made or the love that is gone. Life is what you give, it's not about the stupid things you did. It's not about the way things could have been, it's about moving on. It's all about you. So every morning when you wake, before the first step that you take, just think it's all what you make it, and you'll make it through. Life is all about, the things you'll never figure out. It's all about the people you love, and memories you keep.
All About U - Classified ft. Chad Hatcher