Warning! Sappy Love Letter Ahead!
Up until six months ago, we said we'd never buy. We'd only rent. But after a series of fortunate and unfortunate events, we got restless and moved into our new digs. We love it and we can't seem to remember why we didn't do this three years ago (...though, come to think of it, perhaps some of the reason was financial...)
We said we'd never be happy without our ex and that we would absolutely-positively-never-ever-in-a-million-years speak to him again. But these days, we are deliriously happy and some could even begin to call us, oh what's the word, friends.
We said we'd never last another two, six, definitely not twelve months nose-to-the-grind at our jobs. But colour us wrong. We have a passion for our job. Our clients. Our projects. Our lifestyle. And Jersey Day, on September 17th, 2010, will mark our 3rd year in! (shameless promotion of said projects!)
So, as we sit at our coffee table as the sun rises, with a coffee in one hand and our lucky crossword pen in the other, one thought comes to mind - we're pretty damn happy. And while we really wish another thought would come to mind - maybe a four letter word for FBI employee - we've gotta admit...
We love it all and we would not change a thing (well okay, since you asked, maybe we'd change one thing, if we had more time for the gym, that would be ideal. Use it or lose it!).
And so we want to thank every single one of you who have touched our lives and changed it. Whether you supported us, listened to us, hurt us, travelled with us, inspired us, partied with us, collaborated with us, (insert the applicable verb here) with us, you've certainly changed us.
And we love you too!
x's & o's,