While reading the ten commandments of emailing the other day... Or maybe it was the ten commandments of time savers... We can't remember where we read it, but we distinctly remember someone trying to teach us that thank you emails are très unnecessaire, très passè.
Now, we don't believe this is the case for every circumstance where we may want to say thanks. Our parents did teach us manners, after all.
So we've spent the last 12 to 14 days trying to navigate the waters on when and where, thank you's are still appropriate.
We understand that a "thank you" in response to all emails may be burning time however, we do think that there's cases that thank you's will never go out of style... (and it still feels a little wrong to us to just leave someone hanging!)...
1. Interviews and Meeting New People: Thank You's are toujours nécessaire! Not sure who's teaching kids these days, but we're finding the ones who send thank you's few and far between.
2. Overworked and Under Thanked: When people are pulling extra hours and putting extra effort in for you - a little thanks goes a long way (most often we find that a thank you sent with love AND a bevvie or two makes everything all better!)
And our final word on this matter, is that that while electronic thank you's are just fine, when you can, go the extra mile and put pen on paper. Not only are there gorgeous, sophisticated and beautiful options in stationary out there, but sometimes it IS more than the thought that counts.
x's & o's,