Sunday, March 27, 2011

To Do...

We're a planner.

We've sometimes even got plans for our plans.

Today, we went a little overboard with our planning.

We took a look at our Developmental Action Plan and made some weekly, monthly and yearly objectives and goals so that we can be a better employee.

We took a look at our team's Developmental Action Plans and made some more objectives and goals and comments so that we can be a better manager.

We planned out our workouts to start off p90x on a good foot (and no, you can't see the before photos!).

We planned out our outfits, because if we're waking up at 5:30 AM to p90x, we certainly won't be functioning enough to colour coordinate per usual.

We planned out our meals - mostly because we didn't feel like grocery shopping.

We planned out our personal life for the next two weeks - seriously, we own like three separate planners. Work. Personal. Other.


And then we stopped to think, even though we (and our besties!) love organized activities... Some of our best times have happened when we've had no plan. That's why we usually prefer hangouts to dates.

So we're wondering - do we continue to make plans? Or just let it happen?

Because you really can't plan for the best things in life.

x's & o's,

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


With all of our lessons learned these days, we feel a little preach-y.

A little less storytell-y than we wanna be.

We must start using our words again.

And, to be honest, it's not for lack of stories these days...

We could tell the story of how we met the boy who checked off everything on our perfect guy list, but felt no fireworks...

Or the story of how we're slowly but surely learning that there's some people out there who steal your sparkle, and it's best to stay far far far from those suckers...

We could share all of the creepy pick-up lines we have heard throughout the past week. Though that too, would most likely turn into a lessons learned.

So many stories.

But we just took a big spoonful of extra strong prescription cough syrup and can barely keep our eyes open!

So until demain - bonsoir!

And we'll leave you with this... Lessons Learned: 9/365 - Always go with your gut.

x's & o's,

Monday, March 21, 2011

Wise Words?

(I post this while 9 of my 10 best friends are blondies!)

Stolen Words...

Lessons Learned 8/365...

Whomever said this was a wise wise person...

Do What You Love and Love What You Do.

x's & o's,

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Lessons Learned...

7/365 ... White puppies get dirty just as quickly as white clothes. But they're much harder to clean!

There's a puppy napping on my lap as I type this (thanks, Karen!). Let me tell you... Before this week, it was in my 5 year plan to get a puppy (year 3 if you want to be specific!). And, while I have had so much fun with the puppy this week (for example, you can almost completely replace the need to cuddle with boys by getting a Cavapoo!) , it's harder work than I thought! So, while I will embrace the occasional puppy-sitting job, not sure this girl is ready to be a full time dog-mommy (anything mommy for that matter!) yet. (Not to say we're not enjoying our last few days with Princy this week!!)

We know we owe you a few lesssons learned, but we're all coughed out and heading for a nap so we'll catch up later this week!

x's & o's,

Monday, March 14, 2011

Stolen Words...

Lessons Learned 6/365...

Stealing from one of our favourite clients...

Just do it.

Sometimes we build up tasks in our head, until they seem massive, huge, impossible.

But they're not.

All it takes is a little head down, work hard, wee little extra push.

Just do it.

Because then it's done.

You know you can!

... Tomorrow never comes.

x's & o's,

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Chicken Before Egg?

Is looking lovely half the battle of feeling lovely?

Or is feeling lovely the key to looking lovely?

Either way...

Lessons learned 5/365:

Dress like you mean it.

x's & o's,

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

*So Full*

... of love!


x's & o's,


We were *panic attacking* last night, due to this whole 26th birthday thing, to the point where we finally decided enough is enough!

We are turning this on it's head!

For some reason, we had a fundamental issue with the actual number 26. But, as always, it's all about perception, my friend. We realized, turning 26 is not the start of a whole 365 days of a number we dislike... it's actually the start of our 27th year! And that, my friends, we know we can deal with.

So cheers to the start of our 27th year.

A year when we can hopefully put the lessons learned through 26 years to work.

And our favourite lessons over the years, you ask?

With confidence, you can rock anything! (Though by rule of thumb, you can only partake in one era of pieces coming into style. Except, maybe *ahem* leggings.)

Let go! If they don't come back to you, they weren't worth it in the first place! =)

Bring us solutions, not problems!

Please, thank you and smiles are the most valuable of all currencies. And free! No need to use so sparingly!

...and lastly, if you don't have anything nice to say. Don't say anything at all.

x's & o's and have a lovely International Women's Day!


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bonne FĂȘte!

We've got a birthday coming up.

We wish we could say a big birthday, but 26 doesn't sound nearly as good as 25 or 27, so we're taking this one easy (though by easy, we're still throwing on our sparkly dancing shoes for a night on the town!).

While we don't wish to partake in an in-your-face birthday extravaganza, we do still want a cupcake so that we can blow out our birthday wishes.

But we're breaking tradition and sharing these wishes with you.

For our 27th year, we wish for...

Slow Dancing.




and Heart.

...and we also kind of hope for more time to write, more motivation to "cardio" and regular Sangria Sundays with all of our lovelies!

x's & o's,


Lessons Learned...

The wisest words I heard all week...

Change the Game.

x's & o's,