While procrastinating tonight I...
- Purchased a "tego" for my new old blackberry. Yup, as of tomorrow afternoon you will officially be able to reach me again. I will still be the girl with no fixed address but at least I will not be the girl you can reach at work, or on her bf's phone and if you don't get through then you are out of luck. Even if you have box seats to the Raptors game! Grrr...
- Watched sports (never happens)
- Looked up quotes for procrastination. Did you know there is a whole blog dedicated to just that!? (http://procrastinationblog.com/procrastination-quotes in case you're interested).
- Facebook stalked.
- Linkedin stalked.
- Myspace stalked - and I do not even have a myspace account.
- Got my nails did.
- Stole kisses. Gave some back.
- Cheered for Jack Bauer. Even though he does not need it. He is invincible.
- Sang. Not so much sang as screeched.
- Facebook stalked again.
- Checked my email. All of em. Even the one I have not used since grade 6. Perfectpixie@hotmail.com? Not mine anymore apparently!
- Thought hard about how procrastinating is never worth it in the end.
- Got back to work! Or at least got to sleep so that I could get into the office by 7:00 AM!
- Disabled the snooze button for the first time ever. We'll see how that first alarm treats me!
Stealing from the book of Spanish Proverbs... "tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week."
x's & o's,
P.S. a very merry Happy Early Birthday shout-out to one of the best people I know!
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