It's been a while but here's my April plan.
Posting it for two reasons.
1) I miss this blog!
2) If I write it on here and announce it to the world (or the few people still reading this) then it makes it a teeny bit more likely to happen!
So - April is here, my bank account is feeling a little empty, my jeans are feeling a little tight (and not due to wads of cash filling the pockets either!)... I'm declaring April a get my sh*t together month!
For all of you who understand... here's my pared down April OGSM.
To feel better about my life (organization, savings, future, body, health).
1. To save $2000.
2. To lose 10 pounds.
3. To bring my cost per gym visit (for the month) down to at least $10 per visit (eventually I hope to be closer to $5 but for now - baby steps!)
1. Keep busy!
2. Plan ahead!
3. Enjoy my stuff!
1a. Go to the gym every single day (getting the value of my membership, staying away from places where I will spend my money, feel better, less stress... Benefits are endless!)
1b. Plan activities that don't cost money with friends, family and others! Thinking... Walks through my city, runs with a friend, having friends over for coffee or tea... I'm at a loss already so I will have to do some more thinking on this one!
2a. Grocery shopping each week! Bring my own lunch, have stuff for dinners instead of wanting to go out... Healthy and cost effective!
2b. Avoid shopping malls, stores, restaurants and other money suckers like the plague!
3a. I already get Fashion and Vogue (my top two magazines), so why do I feel the need to purchase every $2.99 magazine on the shelf? (no matter what I have thought in the past, $2.99 is not even really cheap, let alone free for a trashy magazine!)...I'm going to read F&V from front to back! The rest of my info's going to have to come from the good old internet!
3b. Read the newspaper every day! This should take up a good hour per day that I would otherwise use for... let's say... shopping!
3c. I have about 4 closets of clothing minimum. Stop buying clothes... 'nuff said!
1. Spend per week (for that matter I am going to track per day!)
2. Pounds per week.
3. Inches per week.
4. Number of gym visits per week.
5. Hours of sleep per week.
Hopefully all of the above makes for a happier Leslie! Wish me luck! Updates to come!
I'm back baby!
x's & o's,
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