Let's try an experiment... I am way too tired to put together a full bloggie but I'd like to send some random thoughts out there and see how that goes!
- So tired and still it seems that I get a second wind. At about 2 am. Every morning. When I am finally ready to go to sleep.
- Poor cashier did not know what celery was. A little disturbing.
- Think ahead. Don't settle for just throwing out some good information. Anticipate the next question.
- I want a puppy.
- Loved the Nikon Fashion 360 sponsorship at the MTV Movie awards.
- I would settle for a bunny.
- Having Twitter has made me want to put a # in front of all my #hashtags.
- I do not have the time to have a pet. Would not be fair for the pet!
- One of these days I will have a puppy and I shall call him Huckle Berry Finn.
- I do enjoy The Hills, but "#imacelebritygetmeoutofhere?" sorry can't do it!
- Rollerblade shopping this weekend! What's up! Hello wrist guards!
- Just because you love someone, definitely does not mean you have to like them at all times!
- People expect the answer to "what makes you the most happy and what would you do if you could just go for it?" to be so easy. Is it wrong not to know the answer? Yet?
- I have got to be more strategic with my personal charitable giving. While I do enjoy these one off, fun time all for a good cause events #motionball (which you know, maybe should be one of my annual events!) I do want to invest both some time and money to causes that are important to me.
- It sometimes annoys me more often than not when people bash Twitter without having used it. There is a reason why on average, the 32 million people on there spend 2.5 hours each day tweeting. Not everyone is all about "just woke up," "just ate cereal", "what cereal do you like?"! Learn how to use it! Embrace it! And even if you use it, and don't like it, at least you can say you actually tried it. Have an opinion, but don't judge it before you try it. To each their own! And yes, this is coming from the girl who judges for a living. Or wishes she did! (Sorry, forgot, new years resolution, no judging. Got it. Back on track.)
- #Hotyoga here I come (I have said it online, it must be true).
- #OLGPresentsMusic at Luminato this weekend - come on down for some good times!
- ...and lastly, this Sunday, 10 am. On the couch. With the Toronto Star (even though they have failed to facilitate my three requests for 'weekend only service', one more try and then subscription cancelled! Step up your A Game Customer Service!)... #CaesarSunday's are starting... Hello summer!
Welcome to life in my head.
x's & o's,
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