Sunday, August 30, 2009

Lights, Camera, Action!

Ever get the feeling that a moment in your life would make the perfect movie scene? Or at least a kick ass music video? You know. Those times when you experience something greater. The song on your iPod aligns with the soundtrack of your life. And you can almost see yourself from above.

Funny moments. Sad moments. Awkward moments. Introspective moments. Great moments. These are the times of your life. From your thoughts and your iPod.

Is it a slow motion scene? A monologue? A flashback? Maybe it's jumping fences in the rain to the tune of Guster and Dashboard. Or perhaps a ride on the subway, when it's like a flash of lightening and you finally just get it. Those times it's usually Theory of a Nickelback. Maybe it's the dinner, the drinks, the dancing and the drama of girls night. Yup... Britney. And sometimes, it's No Doubt on the radio while giving your best friend in the whole world the low down on the questionable decisions we call a weekend!

Whatever the moment - enjoy it, my friends. Smile about the sad. Laugh over the awkward. And live a little more, each and every single day.

x's & o's,


Currently Listening:

So long sweet summer. I stumbled upon you and gratefully basked in your rays. So long sweet summer. I fell into you, now you're gracefully falling away. Hey thanks, thanks for that summer. It's cold where you're going. I hope that your heart's always warm.
So Long Sweet Summer - Dashboard

Mr. Photographer, I think I'm ready for my close-up. Tonight. Make sure you catch me from my good side. Pick one! These others just wanna be me. Is that money in your pocket or are you happy to see me?
Kill The Lights - Britney Spears

If today was your last day. Would you make your mark by mending a broken heart? You know it's never too late to shoot for the stars. Regardless of who you are. And would you call those friends you never see? Reminisce old memories? Would you forgive your enemies? And would you find the one you're dreaming of? If today was your last day and tomorrow was too late. Could you say goodbye to yesterday? Would you live each moment like your last?
If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Random Thoughts and Stolen Words...

Because there just aren't enough hours in my (work) day!

Mini break.

I think happiness is a choice, not a feeling. I think rules, especially golden ones, are made to be broken. I am not sure I completely believe that anyone who has dated can ever be friends. I'm starting to believe your 20's are for dating, your 30's are for relationships. I love puppies but will never be one of those people who kiss their puppies on the lips. And lastly, I have absolutely no idea what to wear sailing on Friday!

How did life change so much in, what feels like, the blink of an eye.

"Sometimes pain becomes such a huge part of your life that you expect it to always be there, because you can't remember a time in your life when it wasn't. But then one day you feel something else, something that feels wrong, only because it's so unfamiliar. And in that moment, you realize you're happy."

x's & o's,

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cottage Life: Bonus Entry!

And for a little bit of fun... Straight from Mazengah Island, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada, Planet Earth - Enjoy!


For the guidance of guests at Mazengah Island. Muskoka.

  1. Remember that you are here to have a “Good Time” so do all you can to accomplish that end.
  2. Canoeing is a delightful way of passing the time pleasantly. Especially when in the company of an “Eligible Companion.”
  3. Wandering off in Couples is highly commended as a means of becoming better acquainted with each other and as leading sometimes to “Happy and Lasting” Results.
  4. Bathing is always a refreshing pastime, and should be indulged in “Early and Often.” Bathing suits to be worn for bathing purposes only, and not as “Dress Suits.”
  5. Sportsmen, and those having ‘Hunting Proclivities” will find great sport in hunting, hauling up and sawing logs for the fireplace.
  6. Dancing, and all such “Innocent Amusements” should be taken advance of whenever the opportunity arises.
  7. Fishing is a pleasant, if not always “profitable” occupation, but worms being scarce, they should be used as bait and not as refreshments.
  8. Three persons occupying a hammock at the same time is a strain upon “two of them” as well as upon the hammock strings.
  9. Engaged and Semi-engaged couples will find Mazengah a most delightful spot, where they will never be allowed to forget they are “The Happiest People on Earth.”
  10. “Eat Heartily” for being late to meals in Muskoka is looked upon as the beginning of a “Weak Mind” and absence from same as Confirmed Insanity.
  11. While it is permissible for Ladies to use rats in the arrangement of their toilet, it would be most wise to select any other animal for the same purpose in the country.
  12. Newly married people are always a welcome addition to any home affording an object lesson in the uninitiated, a study to those of uncertain age and a source of amusement for the rest of us.

The Call

Boom-a-la-ka! Boom-a-la-ka! Bow! Wow! Wow!

Is the beginning of Mazengah call.

And Ching-a-la-ka! Ching-a-la-ka! Chow! Chow! Chow!

The next part you should bawl.

If you think these verses hazy, and those who shout them crazy,

Just try yourself to give our call.

You’ll be the craziest of us all.


Not Copyrighted.

The Dock Side of Life...

Fave! Makes me Happy! Love it!

I miss the cottage already (and yes, I do know how ridiculous it is that I drove back to the city on the Friday leading up to one of the best weekends of this summer, but I do have a good reason. Many people are afraid of things like spiders, snakes, the dark, etc. I am also afraid of all of these things but I also have the unusual (I think) fear of missing a good party. And had
I not driven South when everyone else was driving North on Friday afternoon, I definitely would have missed out on great times!)

So back to the cottage. While I do consider myself the epitome of an uptown city girl, and cottaging is perhaps the closest I may ever come to camping (except for the odd Chaudiere field trip, of which all I can remember is the strong smell of Caesars...) I abso-freakin-lutely love my cottage!!

And here are my top 10 personal cottage loves (no particular order, all love!):

  • I love waking up to the sun with absolutely no concept of what time it is!
  • I love doing yoga on the dock, both morning and evening. Though to be honest, my favorite yoga is inspired by matchbox 20 and a little Britney rather than chants and the sounds of nature!
  • I love floating just below the surface of water. You feel alone yet completely connected to the world. I am 100% pisces and I could live all day every day in the lake!
  • I love diving into the water and letting the shock of cold water awake my senses! I hope I never become one of those "Ease it in/Wade/Ladder users!" ;)
  • I love how at the cottage you never have to brush your hair but the combination of lake water, sand and sun makes your natural hair look a million times better than it ever does even after 2 hours spent at the hair dresser!
  • I love the smell of Banana Boat tanning oil. (Though, lets be honest, that scent also gives me memories of Palm Springs '09!)
  • I love cottage mirrors. Their reflection is, for some reason, always ten million times more flattering than any city mirror!
  • I love reading a book a day. Only in Muskoka can I indulge my voracious appetite for all things chick lit!
  • I love when a great old time song comes onto the radio while doing dishes (I do not so much love actually doing the dishes but there are only so many nights you can get out of 'em).
and lastly,

  • I love QT time with my family! Friends, boyfriends, ex-bfs, acquaintances all come and go (from the cottage and in life) but FAMILY IS FOREVER!!!!

x's & o's,


Last Week in Photos (also no particular order in case you're wondering)...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Taking Out the Trash!

Makes me happy?

This could be part rant, part lesson, part insights based on my "vast" knowledge of all things relationship (insert a lot of sarcasm here!).

Not sure why I was listening to them, as I am in a hate-all-breakup-songs phase these days, but while skimming my masterpiece of an iPod playlist a couple of days ago it sparked a couple of thoughts.

First Cut is the Deepest (Sheryl Crow - love the singer, not so much the song)

I would have given you all of my heart, but there's someone who's torn it apart, and he's taken almost all that I've got, but if you want, I'll try to love again, baby I'll try to love again...

- don't believe that.

Damaged (Danity Kane - don't even love the group, not sure why it's on the iPod!)

Damaged, damaged, damaged, damaged, I thought that I should let you know, That my heart is damaged, damaged, so damaged, so damaged, And you can blame the one before. So how you gonna fix it, fix it, fix it?

- even worse.

Maybe I've just learned from the worst case(s), but let's be honest. You don't bring the garbage from an old relationship and dump it on the new guy. Not smart! Where's the good in that? Learn from your garbage (ok, my metaphor may need a little work!), sort through your own junk. Recycle the good stuff and then throw out your own god damn trash and start fresh! Because the new guy certainly doesn't deserve that (and besides, he's probably got his own junk that you absolutely want no part of!)

That's all!

x's & o's,


Thursday, August 6, 2009

V to the a to the cation!!!

Short and sweet my friends. So short, that it probably belongs in a Tweet rather than a blog! But as Twitter is, unfortunately, letting me down today - here it is!

I am all out. All out of inspiration, meaningful thoughts, oh so tired (though surprisingly still quite positive!). Luckily, it is T minus 1 day until that lovely oh-so-fleeting vacation!

And much like Sick Days, let me tell you. Vacations are not just for you! In fact, in the client-driven business (and perhaps otherwise), they may not be for you at all! Vacations are not something you take just because the higher-ups tell you to take it! You NEED it! You must relax, renew, rejuvenate! You must check out so that you can come back stronger, more insightful, and more motivated than ever before.

So, other than the occasional dockside-twitterberry update, (though highly doubtful, since my father does not believe so much in 'cottage technology' and I would prefer that my blackberry remain a blackberry and not a skipping stone!) catch ya on the flipside!!

x's & o's,


Currently listening (& abso-freakin-lutely LOVING!!)

Life's a game but its not fair, I break the rules so I don't care, So I keep doin' my own thing, Walking tall against the rain, Victory's within the mile, Almost there don't give up now, Only thing that's on my mind is who's gonna run this town tonight, heeeey, heeeey, heeeey, Who's gonna run this town tonight, Hey-hey-hey-heyyy...
Run This Town - Jay Z ft. Rihanna & Kanye West (quite the powerful trio, if I do say so myself!)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Things that make me happy...

Long Weekends!
Working Out, at the gym, at home, on the subway, everywhere!
Sunny Weather... Finally!
Blueberry Muffins made with love by my momma!
Exciting Work Challenges (even if they occasionally, from time to time, on a regular basis, infringe on my weekends)!
Lounging in Bed until 12:00 PM.
Roswell High books... yes, High as in about high school, which probably means written for middle schoolers!
Big Shiny Tunes II!
T minus one day until 30 days, which means T minus one day until a reward!

What makes you happy this long weekend!?

lots and lots of x's & o's,


I believe in the sand beneath my toes, The beach gives a feeling, An earthy feeling, I believe in the faith that grows, And the four right chords can make me cry, When I'm with you I feel like I could die, And that would be all right, All right.
Semi-Charmed Life - Third Eye Blind

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lost Girls

More of a thought than a fave /not fave.

There's this ongoing memo in my blackberry where I write random thoughts that occasionally make it into this blog. And somewhere along the crazy, short-lived journey that I call "last night" I strung together a couple somewhat coherent words.

"Lost girls. Like lost boys. Like Peter Pan. But not really."

So, in the dawn of the new day, here's my take on it..."

Peter Pan's Lost Boys are "boys who were lost by their nannies in places such as Kensington Gardens. Having gone unclaimed for seven days, they were wisked off to Neverland, where they live with Peter Pan. There are no "lost girls", because (as Peter explains) girls are too clever to be lost in this manner."

Well, my friends, us girls may be too clever to be lost in that manner, but we sure know how to get lost. Life hits you hard. The good, the great, the not so great, the bad. Sometimes it gets overwhelming. Too many choices to make. Which by no means is a bad thing, choices are opportunities. But even opportunities can be scary. And when I'm scared, it makes me feel lost.

But enough with the whining! The reason for this post is the fact that I am thankful! Because I have amazing people in my life who make the fear go away. And bring the smiles. And the laughs. And the patience. And the love.

So here is to my girls who work hard, play hard, but are always there... To my boys, ditto... To my family, I could not ask for more...

You all make my life!

And to all your lost girls out there - you're not alone. And come on now, even the Lost Boys eventually grew up and everything worked out for them. Who knows what's around the corner for us!

x's & o's,
