Short and sweet my friends. So short, that it probably belongs in a Tweet rather than a blog! But as Twitter is, unfortunately, letting me down today - here it is!
I am all out. All out of inspiration, meaningful thoughts, oh so tired (though surprisingly still quite positive!). Luckily, it is T minus 1 day until that lovely oh-so-fleeting vacation!
And much like Sick Days, let me tell you. Vacations are not just for you! In fact, in the client-driven business (and perhaps otherwise), they may not be for you at all! Vacations are not something you take just because the higher-ups tell you to take it! You NEED it! You must relax, renew, rejuvenate! You must check out so that you can come back stronger, more insightful, and more motivated than ever before.
So, other than the occasional dockside-twitterberry update, (though highly doubtful, since my father does not believe so much in 'cottage technology' and I would prefer that my blackberry remain a blackberry and not a skipping stone!) catch ya on the flipside!!
x's & o's,
Currently listening (& abso-freakin-lutely LOVING!!)
Life's a game but its not fair, I break the rules so I don't care, So I keep doin' my own thing, Walking tall against the rain, Victory's within the mile, Almost there don't give up now, Only thing that's on my mind is who's gonna run this town tonight, heeeey, heeeey, heeeey, Who's gonna run this town tonight, Hey-hey-hey-heyyy...
Run This Town - Jay Z ft. Rihanna & Kanye West (quite the powerful trio, if I do say so myself!)
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