It's not always a choice between your job or your social life.
Saving for the future or spending today.
It's about doing what you love. Always. With the right balance.
It's about respecting yourself, your family, your friends, your colleagues. Acquaintances. Strangers.
It's not always your relationship or your friendships.
It's about the right people in the right amounts.
It's about girls night, boys night, nights out, nights in and wanting to share your life with all of the people you love.
It's not about the workouts or the diet.
It's about the time honoured balancing act. And it's the biggest game of life.
We're all sitting on a seesaw of choices. We tip one way or the other, hopefully never falling completely off.
And that's what makes it exciting.
Embrace the game.
x's & o's,
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