...I like to eat my fruit cut into bite sized pieces. With a fork.
...I cry watching sports. All sports. Football. Hockey. Figure skating. Cheerleading. Tennis. And more. Maybe I'm inspired. Maybe I'm moved. Maybe I'm just jealous of the things I can't do anymore (though come to think of it, I never could play football)!
...I love the colour that my lower stomach turns with a tan.
...I am scared of snakes, clowns (see photo), seagulls, missing good times, the dark and toilets flushing. Yup, I think that about covers it.
...I have a highly addictive personality. Relationships, frendships, the gym, work, coffee, sleep, life. It's not my fault. It's the way I was born. It's in my genes. I love it.
...Sometimes I get my heart mixed up with my self esteem. Sometimes I get it mixed up by my impatience. And sometimes, it just gets mixed up all on it's own.
...Sometimes I wonder if I actually love the things I am doing, or I just really like them because I am somewhat good at them.
...I am a water snob (evian) and a gym snob (delisle), but (I think) still an all around nice person.
...While I excelled at music, as my grandfather once said...I am "musically inclined" (piano and flute, yes, betcha didn't know that I went to flute camp. This one time at band camp...) I am definitely tone deaf. My dancing skills could go either way. Kareoke will never be "my thing."
...I have a hard time keeping secrets. No. Scratch that. I have a hard time keeping my own secrets.
...I used to say I didn't like cuddling. I think I lied.
...I have never been more happy than I am right now.
x's & o's,
Currently Listening:
I've been roaming around, I was looking down at all I see. Painted faces fill the places I can't reach. You know that I could use somebody. Someone like you and all you know and how you speak. Countless lovers under cover of the street. You know that I could use somebody. Someone like you.
Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
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