Wanted: One Best Friend Forever and a Day.
A Best Friend Forever and a Day who has disappeared.
But a BFF who understands the working life, has become a partner in crime in the work life (along with the best pack pick up worker ever... I mean what other PPU worker can say they travelled across the country just to hangout 24/7 in a Nike store), and may on occasion cause my life trouble with a touch of s to the noring.
A BFF who shares my love for shoes, purses, photos and Josh Duhamel.
A BFF who will take a trip through the drive through McD's at 2:30 AM followed by the designated parking lot, you know, just cause.
"Tell me if he's cute...I'm drunk!" "um...no!"
"I found a cute boy with an accent and he's leaving tomorrow...JACKPOT!!!"
If you find her... tell her I miss her!
When you find her, tell her I'll meet her on center court. With hand me down flowers.
x's & o's,

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