While most people are labeled as either better able to be friends with guys or girls... I love both my girlfriends and my guyfriends equally! =)
Here's to...
My girlfriends, who may not understand or approve of my decisions, but are 100% there for me! (Until they give me their real opinion the next day!)
My guyfriends who never fail to forgive and forget, live and let live!
My girlfriends, aka the ultimate wing girls!
My guyfriends, with their "older brother" protection hats!
My girlfriends, who have lasted through almost 25 years of my crying, venting, heartbreak... Oh the trials and tribulations of a dramatic little city girl! (thanks!)
My guyfriends, who can't make plans in advance if their life depended on it, but are magically always there when needed!
My girlfriends, who I can go months, even seasons without seeing and yet, when we do chat - it's like not a minute has gone by!
And so, in the post script, here's a little poem from the days of elementary school daycare!
Enjoy! ;)
x's & o's,
If you could have any ship, tell me, what ship would it be?
You know when it comes to choosing ships you must choose carefully.
You wouldn't want a sailing ship cause these ships rust away.
You wouldn't want an ownership cause what you own, you sell away.
You wouldn't want a membership cause memberships expire.
You wouldn't want a partnership cause partners turn to liars.
I guess you'd want a friendship cause friendships last forever.
And knowing you have a real good friend... That keeps good friends together!
Making Dreams Come True - Howard Lindo
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