Once upon a time there was a cute little airline who set up shop on the Toronto Island.
Porter was its name, and the perfect experience was its game.
Porter was the perfect host with its pick-me-up cappuccino's, lovely branded bottles of water and yummy chocolate chip shortbreads.
One day, a young lady with her overflowing suitcase and her mess of a carry-on took the quick (and might we add, complimentary) shuttle to the airport, and made it from a friendly check in to the taking-care-of-business lounge in T minus 20 minutes, pausing only to enjoy one of those great cappucino's (and maybe sneak one or two shortbreads!).
"What a great experience," she thought to herself, "why would anyone ever fly anything else!?"
And so she fell in love. And whenever she was flying to Montreal, or Ottawa, or Boston, or Chicago, or Halifax, or Mont Tremblant, or New York, or Quebec, or St. John's, or Thunder Bay (though not likely Thunder Bay for this girl!), or back to home sweet home Toronto, this young lady + Porter lived happily ever after.
And that my friends, is a lesson on exceeding expectations!
x's & o's,
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