Monday, May 31, 2010

Tribute to my Life BFF...

On her last day as my work BFF...

x's & o's,

Let's do it now...

Before it's too late.

Organized activities. Spontaneous reactions.
Let's do it all, before it's too late.
Dance, sing, laugh, cry, giggle, yell, live.
Let's do it before we get old and jaded.
Let's never get old and jaded.
Okay, maybe old. But never jaded.
Let's fall head over heels, in love, out of love. Back in love.
Let's do it now, while we want to. While we can.
Work hard, play hard.
Play fair.
Enjoy the moments.
Right here, right now.
Forever and always plus a day.
But especially right now, because you never know.

x's & o's,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

A Letter To Myself...

I've been inspired by Fashion Magazine. Beyond the beautiful pictures. The May Issue included a feature where inspiring women wrote about the following:

What would you write if you could write to the younger you?
Where would you hide it?

So here we go...

"Wise us" (that we know is just around the corner!) would write that we shouldn't judge others. That we should stress a little less. Because judging is mean. And stressing doesn't solve anything, it just causes odd grey tinted hairs. That we shouldn't engage with people that make us feel small. Because those people usually don't change, and they definitely aren't worth it.

But it would be a waste. Because we do all of the above, and clearly we haven't learned our lessons yet.

So instead we'll write to have fun. To be spontaneous. To be proud. Self confident. And to never stop thinking.

And we think that'll do.

And the where. Where would we hide it? We'd keep it in the open. To remind us. Because we're constantly hiding things in wicked cubby holes and then promptly forgetting where they are. And our junk drawer is jammed.

x's & o's,

ps. We did once write a letter from our 15 year old self to our 20 year old self. We hid it with our thousands of volumes of diaries, under the pool table, in our parents basement. It may not be the work of a genius, or a poet, or even a wise us, but it was lovely and it makes us laugh. And that's what life is about.

Monday, May 17, 2010

We Don't Believe in Multi-Tasking...

We do not believe in multi-tasking. We just simply do not believe that juggling multiple tasks helps us achieve said tasks in the most efficient way. Or the most effective way.

We believe in setting aside a specific time every hour or even every couple of hours to check our email. We do not believe in the 5 minute refresh.

We believe in checking our FB, Twitter, fave blogs, our blog in the morning, at work, but before work. We do not believe in tweet deck. (We occasionally believe in the mid-day blog, whether it's because we're inspired, or in dire need of some inspiration!)

We believe in being there. When we're in a conversation, we're not on the blackberry. When we're on the phone, we're not watching TV. When we're working on one client document, our mind isn't drifting to the other client's meeting.

We don't believe in multi-tasking relationships either. Our new boyfriend isn't waiting for us outside our ex-boyfriends place (thank you Greg & Amiira!).

We don't believe in multi-tasking jobs. While we should know our options, and be happy with the ones we choose - mulling, rethinking and stressing overtime is a dead end.

We think it's all a circle.

We think we need to pick and choose who, where and what we want to be. And then just be.

We don't believe in multi-tasking.

x's & o's,

ps. Direct from Canadian Business:

Studies suggest that the average working is interrupted once every 11 minutes; it takes on average about 25 minutes for that worker to get back on task.

Friday, May 14, 2010


Big. Little. Huge. Miniscule. Humongous. Diminutive. Life-altering. Petite. Gut-wrenching. Trivial. Gigantic. Minor. Immense.


We preach about perfect prose everyday, but we're not perfect either. (We had a typo in last night's blog post that a friend kindly pointed out!)

But whether they are large or small. A mistake's a mistake, and too many of the small mistakes chip away at trust.

We see a lot of mistakes. Seems to us, we see more mistakes more often. Rather than less mistakes. Or even new mistakes.

Is it the fast paced life we live?
The so-called laziness of generation "why me"?

Whatever it is, whether they are in good faith or bad faith, mistakes are inevitably leading to no faith!

Don't get us wrong. We're not saying we can't ever make mistakes.

We're just saying it may be a good idea to take that extra two seconds to pause. Review. Potentially grab a second opinion. And never make that same mistake twice.

x's & o's,

ps. One mistake we absolutely positively despise? Spelling our name wrong. There is no n. There is no t. Let us be clear. When we spell your name wrong, we're doing it on purpose.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Stolen Words...

Lyrics actually!

Wishing and hoping and thinking and praying, each night of his charms that won't get you into his arms, so if you're looking to find love you can share, all you gotta do, is hold him and kiss him, and love him and show him you care.

x's & o's,

A Little Respect...

...just a little bit.

Call me naive, or foolish, or the mean word for not smart.

I think it's fine for someone to want to live the life they want to live.

But when the life you want to live starts making someone else's life miserable, maybe it's time to rethink, re-adjust, remove.

Or maybe we give far too much credit, where not so much is due.

Maybe sometimes they just don't realize.

x's & o's,

Push, Meet Shove...

It's go time!

x's & o's,

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Stolen Words...

x's & o's,

You know you're hot, right?

We often ask ourselves, why do we see so many pretty girls with average boys?

And not in the shallow oh you're not 6'3 with bright blue eyes and perfect dark hair...


That guy that is just there.
That guy who would never date you (again!)
That guy that keeps you on your toes (and not in a good way...)

We think we (and a lot of you out there) settle.

We play the victim. Or play it safe. Or sometimes, we just play one too many games.

And sometimes it takes just one sentence, from a lovely friend, to turn it all around.

So we think enough is enough.

Gotta go for it.

Because, well, you know you're hot. Right?

x's & o's,

We're oh so Tired...

And we wish the rain would stop.

We can feel it in our bones and it is beginning to creep into our minds and our hearts.

We wish that tomorrow would be a brighter day, all around.

But for now we'll continue to trek along. Why? Because we gotta.

x's & o's,

Monday, May 10, 2010

Those Days...

We think we're having one...

We think the snow in May has something to do with it.

x's & o's,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Calling all Best Friend Forever and Ever's and a Day...

So my BFF&E+1 has got itchy feet. Not the gross kind. The traveling kind. That traveling bug got her good. And while we are quite certain that same bug will never nip us, and departure day is still a long ways off, here's our tribute to our BFF (though to be honest, we did kick her out of the trust tree for a couple days last week - guess nobody's perfect!)

We can't do the "all our worldly possessions in a backpack." We never liked backpacks.

We can't share single beds anymore. To be honest, we're not really that good at sharing anything.

Who are we going to call at all hours of the morning, afternoon, evening, night, really late night, so late at night that it's probably morning?

Colour me a little sad. Though unsurprised. We knew this was coming. Years ago. Consider me more than a little excited for her, but of course. But missing her already.

So until then, we are maximizing the time left on the clocks (EST and MDT) and booking the first flight to cow town for a May 2-4 to die for.

x's & o's,

Ps. In the meanwhile...

We're accepting applications for a new BFF&E+1.

Non judgy, excellent wing-girl skills, unlimited phone plan.
Must like spontaneous trips.
Must have opposite (yet somehow still great) taste in boys.
Great spelling and grammar considered an asset.
A lifetime of best girl friends absolutely required.

Tick Tock TIck Tock...

We panic attacked last night.

Not sure we were in the right place, at the right time. Literally, figuratively, maybe throw in whatever-other-ly's that are considered appropriate in this circumstance.

What circumstance, you ask? Maybe it's just me asking? Either way, I'm still telling.

The feeling of unsure trips us up more and more these days.


All of it.

We love what we do. But could we love something more?

Could we just do more? Hear more? See more? Be more?

We have the same problem with boys, scratch that. Men. (Come to think of that, perhaps that's our main problem...)

We think we loved you. But we always thought we could love someone more.

So we wonder.

Do these thoughts of more make us strive to become a better person?

Or do they hinder our ability to embrace the present, undeniably damaging the future?

We may never know. And, to be completely put-our-hearts-on-the-line honest, we're a little scared to find out.

x's & o's,

Things That Would Make My Life Easier...

As I stood and pushed the hot water button to make a large cup of tea this morning, and stood there. And stood there some more. And had to push the button the entire time I wanted the hot water to run. (Yes, perhaps I woke up on the impatient side of the bed just a little too early this fine may-day morning). I thought to myself, wouldn't it be nice if I could just push the button once and then go fill my glass of cold water while the hot water poured itself? Think of all the time I'd save if you counted the (on average) three cups of tea each day, every day.

Wouldn't that make life easier?
What else would make my life easier?

...if we could still have naps, recess and play time.
...if ex-bf's disappeared after you were done with them. Sometimes maybe just a touch before then.
...if I didn't love cheese three times as much as I despise the elliptical.
...if I could read people's minds.
...if they could read mine.
...if the day was approximately 7 hours longer.
...if my tear ducts ran out of tears.
...if I were better at keeping secrets.
...if I would great at saying no.

Would it make life easier? Definitely. Would it make life better? Debatable. Would it be worth it? Undecided.

x's & o's,

Monday, May 3, 2010

Time to Pull our Socks Up...

May-days are for pulling our socks up.

At work.
At the gym.
In life.

TCB kids. Let's do this!

x's & o's,

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Stolen Words...

I've heard this one a few times lately, in the most random of places, so maybe the universe is trying to send me a message. And here's me sending it to you...

"People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel."

x's & o's,