We do not believe in multi-tasking. We just simply do not believe that juggling multiple tasks helps us achieve said tasks in the most efficient way. Or the most effective way.
We believe in setting aside a specific time every hour or even every couple of hours to check our email. We do not believe in the 5 minute refresh.
We believe in checking our FB, Twitter, fave blogs, our blog in the morning, at work, but before work. We do not believe in tweet deck. (We occasionally believe in the mid-day blog, whether it's because we're inspired, or in dire need of some inspiration!)
We believe in being there. When we're in a conversation, we're not on the blackberry. When we're on the phone, we're not watching TV. When we're working on one client document, our mind isn't drifting to the other client's meeting.
We don't believe in multi-tasking relationships either. Our new boyfriend isn't waiting for us outside our ex-boyfriends place (thank you Greg & Amiira!).
We don't believe in multi-tasking jobs. While we should know our options, and be happy with the ones we choose - mulling, rethinking and stressing overtime is a dead end.
We think it's all a circle.
We think we need to pick and choose who, where and what we want to be. And then just be.
We don't believe in multi-tasking.
x's & o's,
ps. Direct from Canadian Business:
Studies suggest that the average working is interrupted once every 11 minutes; it takes on average about 25 minutes for that worker to get back on task.
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