Big. Little. Huge. Miniscule. Humongous. Diminutive. Life-altering. Petite. Gut-wrenching. Trivial. Gigantic. Minor. Immense.
We preach about perfect prose everyday, but we're not perfect either. (We had a typo in last night's blog post that a friend kindly pointed out!)
But whether they are large or small. A mistake's a mistake, and too many of the small mistakes chip away at trust.
We see a lot of mistakes. Seems to us, we see more mistakes more often. Rather than less mistakes. Or even new mistakes.
Is it the fast paced life we live?
The so-called laziness of generation "why me"?
Whatever it is, whether they are in good faith or bad faith, mistakes are inevitably leading to no faith!
Don't get us wrong. We're not saying we can't ever make mistakes.
We're just saying it may be a good idea to take that extra two seconds to pause. Review. Potentially grab a second opinion. And never make that same mistake twice.
x's & o's,
ps. One mistake we absolutely positively despise? Spelling our name wrong. There is no n. There is no t. Let us be clear. When we spell your name wrong, we're doing it on purpose.
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