Tuesday, August 31, 2010



While we absolutely love our client meetings (take them away from us and we would be a very unhappy girl), we also love us some no-external-meeting-and-only-one-internal-meeting-Tuesdays. Because that's where all the work happens! And these days, the shut-your-door-one-task-at-a-time work is très necessaire.

Upcoming post when we've got a creative minute to spare from our work: Prancing in our Panties. You know who you are. =)

x's & o's,


Currently Listening:

It's a little too late, to say that you're sorry now. You kicked me when I was down. But what you say just (don't hurt me). That's right, it (don't hurt me). I don't need ya (no more). Don't wanna see ya (no more).

No Love - Eminem ft. Little Wayne

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Love. Life.

Short & Sweet.
We love our life these days.
And we're sorry if you're not cool with this.
But come on.
These days are pretty exciting, no?

Post made possible by @sopossible & written to the soundtrack of Eminem's Recovery.

x's & o's,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Biting our Tongue...

Hurts us. Inside.
Personally and Professionally.
Worth it? Probably.
And it doesn't mean we can't leave y'all some cryptic clues!

x's & o's,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Reunion Weekend...

This weekend we must have stepped in a time portal - lately we've been running into many ghosts from the past...

First stop on memory lane ran us straight into our old BFF, the one we met on the first day of middle school yet haven't really talked to since the second year of university. We'd like to say we'd grown apart organically. But to be honest, we're sure we fought over a boy. A fight, that for the life of us, we can't really remember the why. Definitely a boy who means absolutely nothing to either of us these days. Ah, the days when we were still learning to trust, shockingly unaware that no matter what you do or say, sometimes they still cheat. Yet, when you finally learn to trust 'em, sometimes they surprise you, and that's what makes it worth it. But this isn't about boys (even though we shared some of our best boy-crazed years together!). It's about girlfriends. In the end, we cried over that break up more than we've ever cried over a boy. And so, we're glad that we reconnected for a jaunt down memory lane. Or actually, a beer at tiki bar and post-bar dinner! It may never be the same, but it's nice to not be strangers.

This week's excitement didn't end there. We also ran into our first. crush. ever. Now this one, ladies and gents, pre-dates the middle school days and starts smack in the kindergarden years. We shared this crush with another of our best friends. (See! Once upon a time, we did learn to share!). We even wrote about it in our school journal to our grade 2 teacher (she told us he was a nice boy - no wonder it didn't work out...). And so, as we look at him, we begin to think. Clearly, what we thought was love was far from. Well, maybe you could call it puppy love. But it does teach us that what we think we love, or loved these days, maybe could be that much greater. Maybe if we're patient (even though if you know us, you know patience is just as much of a swear word as sharing is to us!) our perfect guy is just around the corner.

Food for thought!

x's & o's,

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Head, Meet Clouds...

Found this little post in our blackberry drafts from 3:34 AM last night (this morning?). Perhaps this is what happens when we hit the sheets at 8:30 PM. Don't be jealous.

Ever have one of these days?

We occasionally watch ourselves go about our daily tasks somehow floating above our body while still managing to get s*** done (sorry mother). But our brain is on a higher level. Okay, maybe not higher. Different level. A level where, surprisingly, from time to time we find our best ideas.

Is it the ultimate multitask?

Or a very good cover up for head-in-the-clouds-syndrome?

Over to you, Bob.

x's & o's,

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Don't Knock it 'Til You've Tried it...

Warning! Sappy Love Letter Ahead!

Up until six months ago, we said we'd never buy. We'd only rent. But after a series of fortunate and unfortunate events, we got restless and moved into our new digs. We love it and we can't seem to remember why we didn't do this three years ago (...though, come to think of it, perhaps some of the reason was

We said we'd never be happy without our ex and that we would absolutely-positively-never-ever-in-a-million-years speak to him again. But these days, we are deliriously happy and some could even begin to call us, oh what's the word,

We said we'd never last another two, six, definitely not twelve months nose-to-the-grind at our jobs. But colour us wrong. We have a passion for our job. Our clients. Our projects. Our lifestyle. And
Jersey Day, on September 17th, 2010, will mark our 3rd year in! (shameless promotion of said projects!)

So, as we sit at our coffee table as the sun rises, with a coffee in one hand and our lucky crossword pen in the other, one thought comes to mind - we're pretty damn happy. And while we really wish another thought would come to mind - maybe a four letter word for FBI employee - we've gotta admit...

We love it all and we would not change a thing (well okay, since you asked, maybe we'd change one thing, if we had more time for the gym, that would be ideal. Use it or lose it!).

And so we want to thank every single one of you who have touched our lives and changed it. Whether you supported us, listened to us, hurt us, travelled with us, inspired us, partied with us, collaborated with us,
(insert the applicable verb here) with us, you've certainly changed us.

And we love you too!

x's & o's,

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Matchy Matchy...

Thrice in the past two weeks, a 40+ man has commented on our ability to colour coordinate. Our flip flops to our shirt. Our phone case to our dress. Our shoes to our purse. Are these men, just now, becoming more in tune with our chosen attire? This feels a tad odd to us, but perhaps that's only because our 40+ daddy (yes father, we know you're reading this!) would never think to comment on our matching abilities - at least not since our pre-school days.

Which come to think of it, were the same days when we were matching mickey and minnie jumpers to our Best Friend Forever (or at least our Best Friend until we started "real" school!).

And speaking of coordinating with other people. These days, our ability to coordinate seems to be extending to other friends, family ... and ex's?

The other day, our family had a get together. Apparently everyone got the "wear red" memo, except us. We wore pink and we clashed proudly. And then there was a trip to the Indy with a boy whose shirt may have matched our dress. Yes, we always had a feeling we were that girl. Yet, yesterday, we were none to enthused to note our ex's shirt mirroring our own. So we changed.

And now I ask, is there such a thing as too matchy matchy?

x's & o's,

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Sharing Feelings...

Just because we don't have feelings for you, doesn't mean we don't have feelings at all!

x's & o's,

Burnt Tongue...

Not a fave.
Opposite of fave.

x's & o's,