So. I wasn't going to write today because, well let's just say I have more than a couple more hours of writing left for tonight! But there are just way too many things going on in my head so here I am sharing.
Flip. Flop. Flip. Flop. And not the summer shoes. More like, the way I have been thinking about decisions lately. Or my lack of decision-making to be clear.
Welcome to my thoughts:
Do you live for today? Or do you plan for the future?
Do you throw yourself out there again? Or grow first on your own?
Do you ride it out? Or do you wallow for a bit?
The thing is, there are no guarantees in life. Wouldn't it be great if someone could tell you yes, if you follow all of these steps in textbook fashion you will be happy? You will succeed? You will get over it? You'll find something you never thought possible? You'll make it?
The reason I share? I think it is for two reasons.
1. Writing clears the head. I am a firm believer that getting something down on paper makes it a little more real, and a little less worrisome.
2. Connecting. I know that as sad as you are, as happy as you are, as unsure as you are, there are people in this world who have and are feeling exactly the same heartbreakingly beautiful way. And it's comforting to know that you are not alone in this crazy thing we call life. So, even if there is only one person reading out there who thinks "yes, that is exactly how I feel. I am not alone." Then it is worth it.
x's & o's,
But wait. You still want a smile? Sure! What is Beethoven's Favourite Fruit?... BA NA NA NA.
Ha ha ha
Currently listening:
Matchbox 20 - Leave
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