...random Thursday night outings that are filled with old friends, new friends, beer, martinis and sleeping in a cute little downtown den!
...those times in your life where songs speak directly to you. The times when you become a lyrics person over a beats person (though the beats are still pretty good).
...being challenged and learning new things every single day.
...so you think you can dance!
...the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Yes, the lows are tough but it is not just a cliché that without them, nothing would feel amazing.
...flowers from great, giving, wonderful people!
...the realization that not knowing what's coming next is exciting, not scary.
...shoes, purses, clothes (evident from the 3 closets I have filled at home!)
...a blank slate.
...making someone laugh.
...how you can go 5 years without seeing someone, and when you get together, it's like nothing ever changed.
...how I have had more "moving box" ex-boyfriends, than "shoebox" ex-boyfriends.
...all things MTV. Always have, always will.
...Josh Duhamel, Bradley Cooper, Wentworth Miller.
...Greg Behrendt and Amiira Rutola-Behrendt. "If you were quitting smoking, you wouldn't buy cigarettes, hang out with people who smoked cigarettes, go to places where people were smoking cigarettes, or get drunk and call cigarettes at 4 a.m. begging them to come over for one last smoke."
...all things Kate Hudson!
That's all for now!
x's & o's,
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