New Fave.
5 years ago, 1 year ago, 2 months ago, hell 2 weeks ago. Tell me to calm down? Worst thing you could do. I had somehow gotten it in my mind that calm was not productive. Relaxing was not me. I would have dared you to say that dreaded R word.
Stress upon stress would snowball. One email would ruin my day. One wrong step and watch out world.
Sometimes I would get so caught up in one little detail, that everything would loom over me like a rain cloud. And here I thought that was productive.
So I'm trying something new. And I am not saying that it is easy. But now I can see 'happyness' not only at the end of this journey - but throughout the journey. Because that is what it is all about. It's about the journey. It's about the people with you on this journey. The outcome is nice, but enjoying the ride is much nicer.
Be positive. Because everything happens for a reason. And even if it doesn't, then make yourself a reason. Because we all have a choice. A choice to be happy. A choice to be defeated. And it's okay to feel things. You wouldn't be alive if you didn't feel things. But don't let others dictate your feelings. Don't be scared to get out there and live every single moment with all of your being. Because life, is beautiful. Enjoy every last bit of it. Your work, your friends, your loved ones, everything.
And if..
You're nervous about a presentation? Just breathe.
You find out someone lied? Just breathe.
That last rep at the gym seems much too hard? Just breathe.
You've got insomnia? Just breathe.
Got writers block? Just breathe.
Someone's late? Just breathe.
You're scared for the future? Just breathe.
I am a firm believer that if we take care of ourselves, and our loved ones, something out there will take care of us!
Make someone's day tomorrow. Or just make them smile. Either way, it'll come back to you in spades.
x's & o's,
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