Makes me happy.
Back in grade 6, I started writing in a diary. Nothing serious. Crush on a boy. Drama with this friend. Make up with that friend. Crush on another boy.
And somewhere along the way, it became a routine.
So why do we choose to write in a diary? Is it to hear our own voice? Is it to find our voice? Is it to talk things out? Or to get things out?
I gave it up for a while, took my hiatus from '05 - '09 but baby, I am back in the game.
My question: Does writing something (that you couldn't possibly say out loud and you practically don't believe) get it out for good? Out of your thoughts, out of the way? Or does it set in stone? To live forever in your diary, and also in your mind?
To tell you the truth, I'm not even sure which would be better.
x's & o's,
In the post-script, here are a couple other things that made me smile today, hopefully it brightens your day (or night!):
- Giving cute boys fake numbers makes me happy. Even when you're not sure if you're going to give them the right number until the last digit.
- Dinners with great friends and a bottle of red makes me happy. The kinds of friends, that you can go three years without seeing, but when you get together, it's just like Summer '04.
- Day Two makes me happy.
- A productive day makes me happy.
- Riding out the ups and downs makes me happy.
- Making lists makes me happy. Pros & Cons. Good Memories & Bad Memories. Just Memories. To Do Lists. Wish Lists. What lists do you write?
- Positivity makes me happy. I think all too often we dwell on the things we can't change, or the negative side of things we can't change. We can't be happy all the time, but we don't need to frustrate ourselves when it is completely unnecessary.
- Self-control makes me extremely happy.
- Flossing my teeth... well at least that makes my dentist happy!
and... to be honest? A mixture of Britney Spears, Eminem and Matchbox 20 is REALLY making me happy.
And there's ten.
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