Sunday, August 16, 2009

Cottage Life: Bonus Entry!

And for a little bit of fun... Straight from Mazengah Island, Muskoka, Ontario, Canada, Planet Earth - Enjoy!


For the guidance of guests at Mazengah Island. Muskoka.

  1. Remember that you are here to have a “Good Time” so do all you can to accomplish that end.
  2. Canoeing is a delightful way of passing the time pleasantly. Especially when in the company of an “Eligible Companion.”
  3. Wandering off in Couples is highly commended as a means of becoming better acquainted with each other and as leading sometimes to “Happy and Lasting” Results.
  4. Bathing is always a refreshing pastime, and should be indulged in “Early and Often.” Bathing suits to be worn for bathing purposes only, and not as “Dress Suits.”
  5. Sportsmen, and those having ‘Hunting Proclivities” will find great sport in hunting, hauling up and sawing logs for the fireplace.
  6. Dancing, and all such “Innocent Amusements” should be taken advance of whenever the opportunity arises.
  7. Fishing is a pleasant, if not always “profitable” occupation, but worms being scarce, they should be used as bait and not as refreshments.
  8. Three persons occupying a hammock at the same time is a strain upon “two of them” as well as upon the hammock strings.
  9. Engaged and Semi-engaged couples will find Mazengah a most delightful spot, where they will never be allowed to forget they are “The Happiest People on Earth.”
  10. “Eat Heartily” for being late to meals in Muskoka is looked upon as the beginning of a “Weak Mind” and absence from same as Confirmed Insanity.
  11. While it is permissible for Ladies to use rats in the arrangement of their toilet, it would be most wise to select any other animal for the same purpose in the country.
  12. Newly married people are always a welcome addition to any home affording an object lesson in the uninitiated, a study to those of uncertain age and a source of amusement for the rest of us.

The Call

Boom-a-la-ka! Boom-a-la-ka! Bow! Wow! Wow!

Is the beginning of Mazengah call.

And Ching-a-la-ka! Ching-a-la-ka! Chow! Chow! Chow!

The next part you should bawl.

If you think these verses hazy, and those who shout them crazy,

Just try yourself to give our call.

You’ll be the craziest of us all.


Not Copyrighted.

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